Doubling Down
on Practice & Coaching
In nearly every discipline and organization outside of corporate America, practice + coaching are the foundations of learning.
In the military, healthcare, aviation, and skilled trades, learners spend a significant amount of time learning by doing in simulated scenarios and settings. Pilots log hours in simulators, electricians cross wires on models, soldiers use war games, physicians work on dummies and complete clinical rounds.
But in corporate America - starting around the time of the industrial revolution - we moved the principle of practice aside in favor of one-size-fits-all training methods that could be delivered - in factory-like format - in bulk. As employee roles became more and more standardized, training took on standardized formats as well. ​
Fast forward to the modern world, and employee roles are anything but standardized. People spend less time in jobs than ever before. More jobs and functions are becoming integrated than ever before. New disciplines are popping up every day (data science, machine learning, etc.) And seemingly every sector is under attack from disrupters.
As the pace of business accelerates – and remote work becomes the new normal – organization’s need a new way to deliver (and measure the impact of) training + skill building experiences.
Taking inspiration from our colleagues outside corporate America, we believe simulation, practice, and coaching-based models provide an alternative way to deliver corporate training that can both reduce costs + improve productivity.
We deploy blended learning strategies that use complementary digital and human-to-human interactions. And we work with companies to deliver coaching + skill-building activities in an ongoing basis, not just during onboarding or when new programs roll out.
The result, is a more modern, human way to grow.