Using Neuroscience to Define Our Learning Approach
In order to learn any skill - simple math, riding a bike, overcoming a customer objection, showing empathy - employees need to create and deepen neural pathways in their brains.
The first time an employee attempts to do something new, simply put, these pathways don't exist yet. To build skill, they have to create an actual, physical ridge in the brain that contains the pattern and muscle memory for that skill.
The way to do this is through practice. And the best way to do this is to practice the correct way of doing something at regularly spaced intervals. The more times we re-visit a skill or task, the deeper these pathways become, and the faster we learn.
Why does this matter?
Most corporate learning functions and learning technologies are designed for one-time application. In fact, in a cursory survey of Fortune 500 learning leaders we found that over 90% of companies' learning assets and experiences are only used by learners once. Employees are introduced to a concept, and may quickly gain knowledge about concepts - thus the infamous multiple choice quiz. But few organizations have a structured approach in place to provide repetition + practice. So over 75% of what employees learn is forgotten in hours, and then never applied.
At Bright, we've fundamentally built our platform for iteration and spaced repetition to ensure lasting skill building. And we help our customers adjust their learning operations so that this way of delivering learning programs can become the new normal.